Sforza Resumaker allows users to import relevant data they would like to include on a resume (skills, work experience, past school information, specific projects, etc.) and then stores that information in a database so that the user can choose a template and tailor their resumes easily.
Development Tools: HTML/CSS, Bootstrap, SQLAlchemy, Flask, GitHub
Group Members: Christian Lamb, Fletcher Collins
Individual Contributions: Wireframes, Frontend Development, Integration
Project Duration: 12 weeks
Oftentimes, job applicants want to showcase their skills in different ways for different potential employers. Most applicants find themselves tirelessly combing through all their current resumes, making countless substitutions and formatting changes, and then saving several new files all for just one job application.

Our project reduces the time and effort it takes to create a tailored resume and conveniently stores them all in one place through a web application. Sforza Resumaker allows users to import relevant data they would like to include on a resume (skills, work experience, past school information, specific projects, etc.) and then stores that information in our database, built with SQLAlchemy.

We created a custom template with LaTex that saves the user the pain of having to format the information themselves. Our front-end, built with HTML and CSS with Bootstrap, allows users to create a perfectly formatted resume with one click and download the PDF.

Our front-end and back-end are integrated using Flask. In addition, users can view past resumes they have created so that they can re-use them for similar job applications in the future or review the information they submitted to a particular employer. Our site is deployed on Heroku.