This system is an interactive t-shirt that responds to user input from a remote control and has the ability to display 21 different graphics.
Group Members: Katherine Monsef, Sofia Ozambela
Group Responsibility: Circuitry, Programming
Software Used: Arduino
Project Duration: 4 weeks

Although my group pulled inspiration from Emily Dalp’s embedded LEDs in clothing for dancers, Chris Hill’s soft circuit work with Arduinos, and Tara Simpson’s LED t-shirt, this shirt is unique in that it is controlled by a remote and that it can be programmed to display any type of visual that the user desires.

My team believes that self expression should have no limitations. Therefore, this shirt reduces the worry of cluttered closets or limited closet space by proving users with the ability to customize the shirt.
Whether our users want to show school spirit, dress up in a costume, or even make a political statement, our interactive t-shirt is available as the ultimate form of unconstrained and personally developed self-expression.
Full process documentation can be found here.