Gaitkeeper is a sensing knee brace that informs the wearer when they fall short of normal gait in their daily activities. It was built for knee patients who have just undergone surgery.
Senior Capstone advised by Aileen Pierce for the CTD BS in the ATLAS Institute at CU Boulder.
Sponsored by CU Anschutz with guidance from Brian Kelly and Dr. Dana Judd
Group Members: Elsy Meis, Elijah Sensibar
Group Responsibility: Programming, Design, Documentation
Tools Used: Arduino, Webhooks with IFTTT, OpenLog, Illustrator, Photoshop
Project Duration: 32 weeks

Our goal was to enhance the recovery process by producing a knee brace that can sense bad walking habits and in turn notifies the wearer to curb these bad habits outside the therapist's office during their daily routine.

This piece was built by attaching various sensors and feedback mechanisms to a hinged brace. When the wearer does not walk properly, the brace notifies them by buzzing the brace with a vibration motor.

The data produced by the brace can be shared with the physical therapist for monitoring. Real-time logging into a Google Sheet can occur when the brace is connected to wifi.

This data can also be received by a therapist by transferring the SD card into the own therapist’s machine, where they can simply open it in a formatted Google Sheet